Working from home is not just hype. It’s a thing and it’s here to stay. With one in five Australians working remotely or in hybrid models, it’s easy to understand why work from home spaces are now considered a key feature of a property and a positive selling point.
Whether you share the home office space with your partner or kids, a well-maintained home office will positively impact your property value, your productivity, and ultimately your happiness.
For all these reasons we have created this article on how to create a great work from home space (that adds value to your home).
Creating a great work from home space: define what works for you
First off, zoom out (pun intended) and define what you want your working from home space to be.
Do you focus better in silence? Pick a peaceful room that is far from street noise or noisy living areas in the house. You could transform a guest room, sunroom or other space in your home that isn’t maximised. Even consider building a home office within an underused garage or outdoor shed.
Do you live in a small place? Then find a dedicated area in your living room that has just what you need to concentrate. Keep it minimal and functional, while blending it with the living room.
Whatever you choose, ensure that the space blends in with the rest of your property. Remember, if you decide to sell, many of your buyers won’t like the idea of working from a kitchen table! They will want to have a dedicated space that aligns with your property’s features and style.
How good lighting helps you create a great work from home space
The right lighting is essential for mood and productivity. So ensure that the space you have picked has a good source of light, perhaps coming from a close window with a relaxing view.
If you need to use artificial light, ensure that it is indirect, not too strong and consider how to use good task lighting for the computer area . This will help whoever is using the working space avoid screen glare and eye fatigue.
Furniture and styling: the other two elements that will create a great work from home spaceÂ
Add a flat desk and adjustable chair. The desk should be large enough for the computer while leaving space to add things like a printer if needed. Position the desk and screen sideways to the window to create a working space that avoids eye strain.
It’s a good idea to add storage to keep documents and stationery in order.
They may sound less important but decorative elements are a must if you want your working from home space to look appealing! Remember good styling is always a great investment that will lead to a better return in the future when you want to sell your property.
Hang cool artwork or pictures on the wall and indoor plants to give that timeless and sophisticated style. If you have enough space add a little sofa or armchair with a colourful set of pillows. Style in accordance with the rest of your house to ensure your home office doesn’t feel like an afterthought or add-on.
Talk to us today on about how to create a great work from home space (that adds value to your home). Call us on 03 8680 9421 or visit our Bay Street office for a chat about your real estate goals.